14 septembre 2021 |
Par Caroline Gignac - Responsable des stratégies politiques et de la recherche
Since September 1, the COVID-19 vaccine passport has been in effect in certain
places and for certain activities deemed non-essential where the risk of transmission between people is high. Since theatres are affected by this measure, we shared the concerns of the community during a consultation session organized by the Ministère de la Culture et des Communications. You will find several details in this document regarding its implementation.
During a recent press scrum, the Minister of Culture, Nathalie Roy, hinted that some flexibility could be expected around mid-October, provided that the epidemiological situation is favourable. Here is a brief reminder of the measures currently in effect:
- 500 people per room or sections of 500 spectators up to 7500 people for large rooms
- 1 meter or 1 side seat between each family bubble
- The mask can be removed once people are seated
- A Vaccine passport is required for entrance into theatres, cinemas, festivals, bars and restaurants (exception: museums, libraries, drive-ins).
- The Special Measures for the Presentation of Performances remain in effect.
- The Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy (CEWS) and the Canada Emergency Rent Subsidy (CERS) have been extended until October 23, 2021. The federal government plans to maintain emergency assistance as long as the sector is affected by the spin-off effects of the pandemic.
- The vaccine passport does not apply to workers: artists, technicians, teachers who accompany students, etc. Workers fall under the
CNESST rules
- The vaccination passport is not applicable during school outings.
Performance venues, movie theatres, sports venues
Vaccination passport is required for the following places:
- Performance venues
- Stadiums and arenas
- Auditoriums
- Movie theatres
- Any other type of hall or venue where performance arts, sporting events, or movies are presented
- Indoor sport events at which the number of spectators exceeds the permitted limit of 250 people seated in assigned seats (stands, bleachers).